Week 1 report

After coming up with some general ideas of some possible gadgets to produce, we discarded most of them as we discussed about all the possible challanges that could come up during the development. First of all we discarded the idea to produce an alarm clock as we want to produce something original. Despite of this, initially we also drawn some sketches for a possible realization of an alarm clock for kids, based on an animatronic toy or a car doing donuts around a path. Another discarded idea is the automatic watering system. This system was meant to solve a classic problem with plants: keep them alive during short or long periods of absence.

Sketch of the automatic watering system.

Even though we actually went forward with this idea, by starting to draw detail sketches and listing all the required components, we encountered many challanges as the system was going to threat water inside it. This meant that we had to deal with water isolation for all the electronic components and of course the pumping system. Additionally even the recycling water system would be very hard as it would be very hard to transfer the water between the two tanks For these reasons we decided to drop the idea and think about something more simple as the available time is not enough for such complex ideas.

After speaking about common problems of everyday scenarios, we come up with our final idea: a digital safe that keeps updated the sum of its coins on an LCD screen. At the end of this week we started to draw some possible design of our gadget.

Early sketches of the digital safe